Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Inflammation Link and mangosteen

Doctors and medical researchers are starting to realize (according to several articles and research papers) that chronic inflammation might be the underlying cause for most diseases. The article first published in Time Magazine, February 2004 offers an easy to understand explanation of why this should be the case. The following excerpt from the above mentioned article should sum it up for you (specifically highlighting cancer) and forms the basis of why the mangosteen puree is so extraordinarily effective in supporting our system when ill – or more importantly – in preventing disease.

The Fires Within
Inflammation is the body's first defense against infection, but when it goes awry, it can lead to heart attacks, colon cancer, Alzheimer's and a host of other diseases

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The silent killer

Inflammation : The silent killer : why your body turns against itself. 

Dr Sam Walters : 20 seconds
Heart Disease is the number one killer today. Can it happen to you? How will you know? What are the warning signs? Learn more about the "silent killer" and what you can do to combat this all too common disease.

Allow it to work for YOU and YOUR family

According to Dr Oz, (Turkish American cardiothoracic surgeonauthor, host and commentator for The Dr. Oz Show, a daily television program focusing on medical issues / personal health) mangosteen is one of the 5 super foods of the world, with the healing power of some 43+ xanthones found in the pericarp of the fruit. Xanthones are phytochemicals known for their anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting anti-oxidant properties, which are the root cause of most health related problems.

Xanthones are not naturally found in everyday foods, but mostly in the bark of trees or rind of fruit, which for the most part are inedible and only yield at best 1 or 2 xanthones. 

Xango purees the whole mangosteen fruit, including the pericarp, to bring you a flavorsome, powerfully efficacious juice that is good for the whole family (including pets). From those suffering with Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD to those with Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Depression, and heart conditions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Please be warned...

There is a SCAM going around that a lot of people have fallen for.
It's a program where you work your butt off for someone else for 40 hours a week, for 40 years, get a $40 Gold Watch, and then try and Live on 40% of what you couldn't live on while you were working 40 hours a week.

Click here to watch the video :
 Wealth Building 101 by Bob Schmidt

A Second Income is No Longer an Option

"Those that think they can and those that think they can't,
are both right." -Anonymous

Years ago, one income per family was enough to live a fairly
comfortable life style.  However, the times have changed.

Today, one or even two incomes per household are simply 

not enough to get by, let alone live life on your terms.  
However, I am prepared to offer you a solution to your financial challenges.

How long have you been thinking about starting a Home Based /

Second or third income Business? 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The 45 year plan?

Ever heard of the 45 Year PLAN?

YOU/ME                   WORK

From about AGE
                        20 we start at our job or career.  
For 45 years we labour till age
                        65 when we hope to retire…

only to find that OUT OF EVERY
               100 people at the age of 65; only
                           of us will be RICH                     5%
                    4 of us will have FIT finances
                    5 will still beWORKING
                  28 will sadly be DEAD and              95%
                        62 will be FLAT BROKE      
and unable to take care of ourselves.

Now, ain’t that a KICK IN THE HEAD? Maybe it’s time to get out of aFLAWED SYSTEM!

ADHD meds.....know anyone on Ritalin or Concerta?

An interesting article from Natural News
Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points in their brains looking for signs of thickness in the brain tissue.

They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.

Now who is "they?" Dr. Phillip Shaw from the National Institute of Health, which is probably the National Institute of Mental Health -- they are the ones who did this research and this research has been making the rounds in mainstream media. You hear stories about it all over the radio. I heard one on national public radio today.

It just blew my mind. I will tell you why in a minute. Headlines in newspapers and magazines, TV news, cable news networks all across the country -- they have experts on there now claiming that ADHD is a physical disease. There is something wrong with the brains of these children. Apparently they forgot to look at the research that came out just two days before. Do you know what that research shows?

The Drugs Don't Work

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mangosteen Testimonials submitted for Cancer

CANCER – Prostate
“I was diagnosed with stage 4 Prostate Cancer and given 3-6 months to live!”
In February of 2005, I was given 3-6 month to live after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. My PSA score was 1500. I started chemotherapy and became very ill, unbearable hiccups; bad breath; pain; fatigue; weakness and I could not walk without a walker. In March of 2005, I learned about the Mangosteen Juice with Xanthones. I wanted to believe everything that I heard and read but was afraid to take it with the chemotherapy. I got too sick after three chemotherapy treatments, I was getting weaker and weaker. I fell and I could not get up, I went to the hospital and they told me I would have to start injecting myself daily and that the medication would cost $ 4,000 for a ten day supply. One hospital bill alone was over $46,000. I had no medical insurance. I was left for dead. I turned to God. I prayed for a healing and then I decided to give the Mangosteen Juice a serious try in March 2005. My prayers were answered immediately. The first day I had more energy that I could remember and my horrific bad breath went away.
In two days the pain was subsided and I did not need the walker anymore. I started to feel stronger and stronger. I drank a 25 ounce bottle [Mangosteen Juice] a day. On May 1, 2005 my PSA score had gone from 1500 to 3. I am now cancer FREE. I feel terrific. 

I am so thankful to be a alive and well. I will drink [Mangosteen Juice] for the rest of my life and encourage everyone who wants to restore his health to do the same. I thank God for [Mangosteen Juice] and so will you. 

The Best of Health to You,

Love F.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I just found out...!

that life is way too short to spend all of your time working for other people, just to make them rich while you continue struggling to "just get by".

It's time you were let in on a little secret that the rich use to get that way, that most others don't even know about?

Let me share with you their secret right here, right now.

It's called "leverage" and this one concept is so powerful when you understand it, that it could allow you to go from where you are, to where you want to be.

You see, if you work a job for 40 hours per week, you will get paid for 40 hrs.
Work; get paid. Work; get paid. Work; get paid.

But what happens if you don't work?

That's right!

You don't get paid.

Most people love the idea of working 40 hrs per week, but being paid for 10 times more.... of course there are people who don't...that's ok too – those are the people who would rather complain or sit in front of the tv or facebook, I'm sure you know the type?

You see, this is how successful people got that way and you can too, when you learn the right methods to build your own Home Based Business.

Your boss does it. Wealthy people do it. I'm doing it.

Why shouldn't you?

Wealth Building 101
Truth is, you CAN!

But first, let's find out if what we are doing is what you are looking for. Let's get this OUT OF THE WAY first.....there is NO selling of products, NO stock control or paperwork and NO costly capital investment.

It's FREE to get the information, so surf on over to my website and find out if our Home Based Business Opportunity is something you'd be interested in.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What are the 3 types of income and which is best?

For most people, achieving success in Home Based Business means a lot more than just earning more money. It also means more time freedom, more relationship freedom and a better lifestyle. It means paying off the bills, getting out of debt and having more peace of mind. It also means having money flow into your bank account every single month, whether you work or not.

It does not mean having to wake up to an alarm clock every morning, jumping out of bed and trading your time for dollars, only to rush off and make someone else rich.

So, in order to achieve great success working from home, you must first understand the difference between Linear Income, Leveraged Income & Passive Residual Income. Let's take a look:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mangosteen, Cancer and Autism

It has become legitimate to kill people with chemotherapy by giving a patient as much as they can tolerate, ad infinitum, devastating the haemopoietic system (formation of blood cells) and debilitating the immune system until they cease to respond. I have seen too many people die due to the side effects of their treatment (not only cancer)  rather than the disease. This is considered acceptable? It distresses me immensely!

Dr. Amod Tootla talks about Mangosteen, Cancer & Autism on Willoughby Webinar Monday Night July 18 at 9:00pm CT/10ET.

Amod Tootla, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. will share his research with Mangosteen & Cancer & Autism.  This information will be invaluable!  Find out why everybody should be using these products. 

Dr Tootla is a World Renowned Board certified Cancer Surgeon & Leading Scientist. Named one of the top Surgeons in the United States by the consumer research council of America in Washington DC. 

Dr Tootla's licensed to practice in 20 different countries and has the distinction of having introduced robotic surgery in the United States. He is the pioneer of laparoscopic colon surgery and has published numerous papers in the most prestigious medical journals of the world.

This Webinar is held on the following dates:

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mangosteen health guidelines

Information to help determine when to take Mangosteen juice.

These guidelines are NOT set in stone. (The only Mangosteen Juice I feel comfortable to recommend is XanGo) by Dr Les Berenson, MD (19 July 05)

Prevention: (No health challenges) – 30ml 2-3x / day with food
One of the greatest advantages is to potentially PREVENT chronic disease (cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s)

Kids, 6-12 yrs.: 1/2 adult serving
Toddlers younger than 6 yrs or infants weaned onto fruit juice: 1/4 adult serving

Minimal health concerns: 60ml 2-3x / day with food

Severe health challenge: 90ml 3x day i.e. severe pain

Cancer protocol: Enquire about the ‘21-day challenge’

Treatment of health concerns: usually between 60ml 2x / day up to 90ml 3x / day.

• Increase amount up to 90ml 3x /day for 1-3 months BEFORE saying Mangosteen Juice doesn’t work.

• Avoid the 1 bottle mentality – 1 bottle is often NOT enough to feel any significant change. It may take several bottles – or even cases to see and feel benefits. Don’t deprive yourself of these benefits by quitting too early. Rest assured that the Mangosteen is working at cellular level to repair damage that you might not even be aware of.

Our experience is that people see significant (even profound) benefits if they use the juice CONSISTENTLY for at least 3 months at the correct dosage.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

How can one fruit possibly do so much good?

In an interview with Drs J. Frederick Templeman, MD (Medical Director at Phytoceutical Research, LLC) and David A. Morton, Ph.D. (Gross Anatomy Course Director & Assistant Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah) the doctors look at the available science on the mangosteen and then ask the challenging question, "Does mangosteen make sense to you?" ...

How does one fruit address so many conditions in the body? Isn't it just too good to be true?

The focus is on the xanthone molecule. It is an amazing structure – having double bonds in the molecule – which right away suggests stability, making it harder for the molecule to be broken – and what is unique about the xanthone molecule is that it has different side groups – it's called R-groups in chemistry – at each of these numbered positions. Every time you alter the side group on that molecule, the molecule will have a different function in the body...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Dirty Dozen Chemicals in Cosmetics

Did you know:

* 33% of personal care products have been linked to cancer
* 45% are reported to be potentially harmful to our reproductive systems and/or foetal development
* 60% have ingredients that can act like estrogens or disrupt hormones

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Do any of your products have these harmful ingredients?

The Dirty Dozen Chemicals in Cosmetics
by Catherine Zandonella, M.P.H

Beauty is only skin deep, but the products we use to attain it contain chemicals that may penetrate far deeper. The average adult uses nine personal care products a day, with roughly 120 chemicals spread among them, many of which are incompletely tested for toxicity.

Below we've listed 12 chemicals that are best avoided. A single exposure to any of them is unlikely to cause harm, but daily exposure over a lifetime may add up. When shopping, be prepared to spend some time reading labels; even brands that advertise themselves as "natural" or "botanical" have been known to include some of these.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why is it important to have a healthy skin?

Our skin is like a cloak that covers & protects our internal organs. Most people do not realise how “absorbant” our skin really is ~ being almost like a sponge, that absorbs everything from chemicals in the air, to UV rays from the sun to toxins from our daily skin-care regime.

The absorption of chemicals & toxins could lead to internal cellular damage, which leads to disease, including cancers. This absorption alarmingly, begins right from “baby-in-womb” stage.

A healthy skin is the result of healthy nutrition, ie what you feed your body from the inside and what your skin absorbs from the outside, hence the importance of a healthier intake of food and supplementation (the less processed the better) as well as greener skin care products (chemical & toxin-free) are vital to overall health. To get back to your question, a healthy skin is important to me as it reflects a healthy being, which ultimately promotes youth & longevity ;-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Glimpse Products

Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care and Mineral Treatment by XANGO

• Glimpse Topical Skin Nutrition System by XanGo, which features three exclusive, xanthone-rich ingredients from the mangosteen (the mangosteen fruit has been revered for both its flavour and promotion of good health). Ingredients are delivered through a proprietary BioActive X3 Complex that is free of harsh chemicals and utilizes green chemistry technology. The skin system, which includes a cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer, is designed to intuitively self-adjust to address the complex needs of a person’s skin and features formulas that employ a wide range of actives that target skin with powerful nutrients.

• Glimpse Mineral Treatment, which is designed for topical skin nutrition and flawless coverage, featuring a triple-milled blend of pure minerals. The treatment can be applied wet or dry and is designed to instantly infuse skin with energy, increasing clarity and luminosity. BioActive X3 Complex, in harmony with zinc oxide, oat protein powder, silk powder, bio-chelated minerals and the company’s Energizing Gemstone Complex, work together to naturally enhance skin while diminishing the appearance of fine lines and minimizing the appearance of pores.

Introduction to Glimpse™ Intuitive Skin Care

Glimpse™ Intuitive Skin Care is creating the category for topical skin nutrition from the mangosteen. XanGo discovered a vital life source deep within the rich, dark pericarp of the mangosteen fruit. Driven by this discovery, ground-breaking science, and performance-driven results, XanGo has created a category ... others will follow.

Glimpse™ formulas do not begin with regular water. Glimpse formulas begin with a unique, one-of-a-kind, mangosteen-infused water. This process entails steeping (like a tea bag in water) mangosteen pericarp powder into USP grade purified water.

This allows for the transfer of mangosteen’s powerful phytonutrients into the first ingredient and base of each formula. Each step in making Glimpse involves the meticulous use of time-honored techniques combined with modern science.
Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care ...

◦ Reinforces the skin's natural defenses
◦ Gives your skin a luminous glow
◦ Provides younger-looking skin
◦ Reveals a clearer, brighter and more radiant complexion
◦ Helps warm skin cells assisting natural collagen production
◦ Relieves the appearance of redness and inflammation
◦ Safeguards the skin under various environmental conditions

With the creation of Glimpse, XanGo is setting a new standard. The proprietary performance ingredients within BioActive X3 Complex™ make it the first results-oriented toxin-free mangosteen skin nutrition system.

Glimpse™ Intuitive Skin Care is the first skincare line for men and woman with a proprietary BioActive X3 Complex™ that delivers powerful antioxidants to your skin. Harnessing the power of xanthone-rich mangosteen, Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care nourishes and balances the skin to maintain its youthful appearance and optimal health.

Because you are what you absorb, XanGo has meticulously selected only the finest botanical ingredients for our Glimpse products, making them nutrient-rich and toxin-free.

The facts are alarming. Each day, the average woman uses 12 personal care products containing 168 chemical ingredients; the average man uses six products containing 85 chemicals. We are learning more everyday about the harmful effects of the toxins found in most of these products. And yet, the self-regulating personal care industry is slow to act.

The mangosteen holds many secrets, anti-aging is one of them! We've explored the whole mangosteen fruit and derived the finest and most potent xanthone-rich ingredients. The result is a proprietary blend, exclusive to Glimpse Skin Care, known as BioActive X3 Complex™. This patent-pending blend of three exclusive xanthone complexes is at the heart of our meticulously created formulas.

Through the convergence of time-honored techniques and advanced, customized technology from Japan, BioActive X3 Complex is enhanced with mangosteen-infused water, biofermentation and cold processing to preserve and amplify the potent phytonutrients found in mangosteen. Glimpse Skin Care additionally is intuitive, featuring self-adjusting formulas to address your skin's ever-changing needs. The more you use Glimpse Skin Care, the better it works for you. This scientific care and attention to detail ensures performance-driven skin nutrition coupled with vital safety and rare purity.

With daily use, the BioActive X3 Complex™ featured in all Glimpse products soothes and calms the skin, promoting natural luminosity and protecting the skin against the oxidizing effects of free radicals

The unique composition of each Glimpse product is designed to be responsive to your skin’s needs down to the last detail. We invite you to take a closer look at each step in the Glimpse Skin Care System, because every intricate ingredient has its own beneficial role to play in your skin’s wellness.

Glimpse™ Intuitive Skin Care combines BioActive X3 Complex™ with mangosteen-infused water to provide your skin with the protective phytonutrients contained within the mangosteen in a simple, four-step skin nutrition regimen.

A compelling difference between Glimpse Skin Care and a traditional beauty product is that Glimpse Skin Care is intuitive, with self-adjusting formulations to address your skin's changing demands for beneficial topical nutrition. Our exclusive formulas anticipate and provide your skin with what it needs most: clean, pure, bio-available phytonutrients.

As we age, the natural reparative processes of the skin slow down, leaving our skin looking congested, dull, tired and slack. By saturating the skin with bioavailable antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and additional phytonutrients, we can provide dynamic visible results and sustainable long term benefits to the skin.

Through XanGo's exclusive BioActive X3 Complex™ Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care nourishes your skin with performance driven, toxin-free formulations. Glimpse skin nutrition harnesses the power of mangosteen, combined with additional pure and natural botanicals to produce firm, supple, radiant and healthy-looking skin

System I for Normal to Dry Skin features BioActive X3 Complex™ combined with natural oils and butters to deliver what dry skin needs to relieve persistent dryness, uneven skin tone and fine lines.

Ensuring that your skin is never left dry or vulnerable, the performance-focused botanicals in System I nourish and provide moisture barriers for the skin while minimizing the visible signs of environmental aging. System I delivers healthy radiance while working to restore, rejuvenate, and protect normal to dry skin. Your skin will feel relaxed, hydrated and radiant.

System II for Normal to Combination skin features BioActive X3 Complex™ enhanced with clarifying botanicals to rebalance your skin from start to finish. System II calms troubled skin and supports the natural reparative process with powerful xanthone complexes.

Designed to intuitively fine-tune your skin’s pH and defensive properties, a unique combination of botanical performance ingredients provides the nutrients to inhibit over activity and soothe distressed skin; effectively refining skin tone to maintain a healthy and luminous complexion

The Glimpse Complete System features all six Glimpse Skin Care formulas and addresses your skin’s varying daily needs by providing comprehensive skin nutrition.

Rich in BioActive X3 Complex™ and a multitude of fruit seed oils and butters, Glimpse sulfate-free Creamy Cleanser gently, but effectively draws out dirt and makeup, while soothing skin and calming the signs of inflammation. Your Glimpse Creamy Cleanser is refreshing and gentle for dehydrated or sensitive skin, while bathying your skin with mangosteen pericarp oil, meadowfoam seed oil, olive oil, and passion flower oil that work synergistically together to produce a visible benefit to your skin.

Directions: Massage over face and neck. Rinse with lukewarm water and cloth. Avoid eye contact.

Begin your twice-daily skin nutrition routine using this gentle, soothing creamy cleanser. Glimpse Creamy Cleanser leaves your skin clean, refreshed and ready for the optimal nutrition and antioxidants delivered by Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care

Glimpse™ Gel Cleanser is a very gentle, sulfate-free cleanser suited for normal to combination skin. This lightweight cleanser contains BioActive X3 Complex™ an exclusive mangosteen complex to the Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care brand. The foaming amber gel clears your skin of dirt, makeup, impurities and surface debris while calming the skin in preparation for the nutrition and antioxidants delivered by Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care.

Directions: Lather well and over face and neck. Rinse well with lukewarm water and cleansing cloth.

Begin your twice-daily skin nutrition routine using this refreshing cleanser. Impurities are gently washed away, leaving your skin clean and balanced. Gel Cleanser leaves skin soothed and naturally hydrated, without over stripping your skin providing the perfect setting for receiving additional nutritional benefits.

Glimpse™ Xanthone Toner restores skin's pH level, delivering the first layer of potent antioxidants and anti-aging phytonutrients from BioActive X3 Complex™. Glimpse Xanthone Toner benefits all skin types by providing concentrated levels of BioActive X3 Complex and enhancing absorption of Glimpse serum and moisturizer.

Directions: After cleansing skin, shake well and generously mist Glimpse Xanthone Toner over the face and neck, avoiding the eye area, or saturate a cotton pad and smooth over face and neck.

Featuring a high concentration of BioActive Polymeric Complex, the Toner refreshes and re-energizes while priming your skin for the nutrient-rich treatment in the Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care System. Glimpse Xanthone Toner is a soothing non-alcohol toner that leaves your skin feeling smoothed and revitalized.

Glimpse™ Serum is a weightless solution featuring a full concentration of phytonutrient-rich BioActive X3 Complex™. Suitable for all skin types, Glimpse Serum re-energizes and nourishes your skin with a host of highly active botanicals, trace minerals and vitamins.

Directions: After cleansing skin, shake well and apply Glimpse™ Serum over the face and neck.

With over 30 times the antioxidant activity of green tea*, BioActive X3 Complex™ is combined with supportive botanicals to provide responsive, bioavailable topical nutrition developed to remind skin cells to behave young again. Newly energized skin responds with improved clarity, luminosity and increased collagen production for firmness and elasticity. Glimpse Serum provides visible improvement from the signs of aging while reinforcing your skin's natural defenses.

* Japan Food Research Laboratories

Glimpse™ Moisturizing Cream helps to maintain and restore the skin's optimal moisture balance, while firming, hydrating and revitalizing. Skin maintains a healthy glow and softness with BioActive X3 Complex™ and handcrafted fruit seed oils. Potent levels of antioxidants in Glimpse Moisturizing Cream help fortify the skin against various environmental stressors. Vital phytonutrients nourish your skin by calming the signs of inflammation and stimulating collagen production, resulting in more radiant and luminous skin.

Directions: Apply over face and neck.

Glimpse Moisturizing Cream is a luxurious experience that protects against moisture loss. Finish your twice-daily skin care routine by smoothing this anti-aging, line-diminishing cream over your skin and enjoying its rich nutrient results. Glimpse Moisturizing Cream is the final step in protecting your skin from daily environmental assaults with multiple antioxidants and anti-aging properties. After application, your skin is more supple, smooth and radiant.

 Glimpse™ Moisturizing Lotion is a fresh and light emulsion that hydrates and nourishes the skin, keeping it smooth, refined and radiant. Formulated for normal to combination skin, this lotion gently exfoliates to help clear a dull and congested complexion. Glimpse Moisturizing Lotion is a light, oil-balancing formula for refining and clarifying your skin.

Directions: Apply over face and neck.

BioActive X3 Complex™, in combination with a multitude of powerful reparative botanicals, supports skin's natural healing processes by calming inflammation, as well as safeguarding the skin from impending assaults. Glimpse Moisturizing Lotion stimulates cells to enhance collagen production while minimizing the appearance of pores and improving tone, texture and luminosity.

Complete your twice-daily skin care routine with the protective and antioxidant-rich formulation of Glimpse Moisturizing Lotion. This readily absorbed hydrator restores your skin's problem-free finish.

With Glimpse™ Mineral Treatment you will experience topical skin nutrition and flawless coverage with our triple milled blend of pure minerals. Applied wet or dry, our extraordinary Mineral Treatment instantly infuses your skin with energy, increasing clarity and luminosity. BioActive™ X3 Complex, in harmony with zinc oxidye, oat protein powder, silk powder, bio-chelated minerals and our Energizing Gemstone Complex, work together to naturally enhance your skin while diminishing the appearance of fine lines and minimizing the appearance of pores. Protect your skin, guard your health and benefit our planet with our perfect blend of nature

Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care and Mineral Treatment by XANGO

• Glimpse Topical Skin Nutrition System by XanGo, which features three exclusive, xanthone-rich ingredients from the mangosteen (the mangosteen fruit has been revered for both its flavour and promotion of good health). Ingredients are delivered through a proprietary BioActive X3 Complex that is free of harsh chemicals and utilizes green chemistry technology. The skin system, which includes a cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer, is designed to intuitively self-adjust to address the complex needs of a person’s skin and features formulas that employ a wide range of actives that target skin with powerful nutrients.

• Glimpse Mineral Treatment, which is designed for topical skin nutrition and flawless coverage, featuring a triple-milled blend of pure minerals. The treatment can be applied wet or dry and is designed to instantly infuse skin with energy, increasing clarity and luminosity. BioActive X3 Complex, in harmony with zinc oxide, oat protein powder, silk powder, bio-chelated minerals and the company’s Energizing Gemstone Complex, work together to naturally enhance skin while diminishing the appearance of fine lines and minimizing the appearance of pores.

Topical Skin Nutrition System:

Two basic systems include a cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer.

• System I (normal to dry skin) features a simple four-step regimen through a performance-focused blend of botanical ingredients and oils that nourish and provide moisture barriers for the skin while minimizing the visible signs of environmental aging.

• System II (normal to combination skin) features a simple four-step regimen with botanical performance ingredients that provide the nutrients to calm and soothe overactive skin, gently refine skin tones, and promote a healthy, luminous complexion.

Features and Benefits:

• Helps reinforce skin’s natural defenses.

• Promotes luminous glow and younger-looking skin.

• Reveals a clearer, brighter and more radiant complexion.

• Helps stimulate skin cells, assisting natural collagen production.

• Relieves the appearance of redness and inflammation.

• Helps maintain/enhance skin’s youthful firmness/elasticity.

• Defends against aging and safeguards the skin under various environmental stressors.

About BioActive X3 Complex Xanthone-rich Ingredients:

• Mangosteen pericarp oil— Derived through a unique fermentation process using a botanical enzyme, the delicate pericarp oil offers a host of vital phytonutrients that sooth and calm the signs of inflammation and stimulate collagen production, resulting in more luminous skin.

• Mangosteen polymeric complex— The polymeric complex forms a chain of continuous xanthones that helps safeguard skin from environmental stressors, while revealing a clearer, more radiant complexion. It contains 30 times more antioxidant potency than green tea, according to Japanese in-vitro studies.

• Mangosteen acidic complex— Combining the finest elements from the mangosteen fruit, the acidic complex helps to clear impurities and reinforce the skin’s natural defenses, resulting in fresher, healthier looking skin.

Other Active Ingredients that Promote Performance

• Mangosteen Infused Water— Enhances the ingredient activity within BioActive X3 Complex.

• Microalgae— Safeguards skin from environmental stressors.

• Aloe— Supports healthy skin tissues while soothing skin.

• Meadowfoam seed oil—Known for its ability to protect skin while hydrating.

• Squalane— Helps reinforce the skin’s natural defense against free radical damage; derived from olives.

• D-gamma tocopherol—Naturally derived vitamin E safeguards skin from free radicals generated by environmental aggressors.

• Shea butter— Helps stimulate cells to improve skin’s tone and texture

Mineral Treatment Highlights:

• BioActive X3 Complex— Three exclusive, proprietary ingredients derived from the nutrient-rich mangosteen pericarp compose the BioActive X3 Complex, providing a performance-driven, xanthone-rich complex to nourish and revitalize skin. These three active complexes work together. Through in-vitro testing, BioActive X3 Complex has been shown to help improve the structure of skin and protect skin against various environmental conditions. Additional in-vitro testing shows that BioActive X3 Complex also offers greater antioxidant potency than vitamin C, resveratrol, CoQ10, green tea, catechins and astaxanthin.

• Zinc oxide— An element essential for healthy skin, zinc oxide soothes stressed skin while providing protection against environmental factors. The treatment is formulated with uncoated zinc oxide (versus coated zinc oxide) because of its greater benefits, which include calming sensitive/irritated skin, reducing inflammation and providing chemical-free physical environmental protection. Additionally, zinc enhances barrier repair and exhibits powerful antioxidant properties.

• Mica— Mica is a transparent mineral. Due to the sheer, translucent and skin blending effect of the mica mineral, natural skin tone shines through when transforming Mineral Treatment is used. It is weightless on skin, fine lines are softened, and skin texture appears more even and clearer.

• Energy Gemstone Complex with Topaz and Pearl— Developed exclusively for Glimpse, Gemstone Energizing Complex infuses skin with energy, increasing luminosity and radiance. The hydrating complex protects skin while combating the signs of aging, revealing brighter, revived, and softer-looking skin.

• Silk powder— The company’s silk powder nourishes skin while improving radiance and luminosity. Containing a host of amino acids, the powder supports skin’s natural moisturization process and forms a healthy barrier to defend against environmental effects.

• Bio-chelated minerals— Minerals includes zinc ferment, copper ferment, magnesium ferment, and coral calcium ferment. Minerals play a key role in overall health and wellbeing. Unlike vitamins, not a single mineral can be synthesized within the human body. Without minerals, many enzymatic reactions could never take place. Each mineral contained within the company’s exclusive mineral blend is essential in maintaining healthy skin.


• Ideal for any skin type, including sensitive skin.

• Used in conjunction with Glimpse Skin Care System, it calms the signs of inflammation.

• Protects skin from environmental factors.

• Provides natural UV protection

• Topical antioxidant protection.

• Provides natural, sheer coverage with dry application.

• Provides luminous, medium coverage with wet application.

• Calms and soothes skin.

How to Use:

Mineral Treatment is designed to be used both for dry and wet applications.

Apply a small amount of the dry Mineral Treatment powder with a brush for desired coverage. For wet application, combine Mineral Treatment with Mangosteen Pericarp Oil or Glimpse Moisturizers to create a hydrating, creamy foundation; apply with a wet foundation brush and apply more powder, if necessary, for desired coverage.

 Mineral Treatment is available in four shades: Light, Medium, Deep and Sheer.

Topical Skin Nutrition System:

Two basic systems include a cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer.

• System I (normal to dry skin) features a simple four-step regimen through a performance-focused blend of botanical ingredients and oils that nourish and provide moisture barriers for the skin while minimizing the visible signs of environmental aging.

• System II (normal to combination skin) features a simple four-step regimen with botanical performance ingredients that provide the nutrients to calm and soothe overactive skin, gently refine skin tones, and promote a healthy, luminous complexion.

Ensuring that your skin is never left dry or vulnerable, the performance-focused botanicals in System I nourish and provide moisture barriers for the skin while minimizing the visible signs of environmental aging. System I delivers healthy radiance while working to restore, rejuvenate, and protect normal to dry skin. Your skin will feel relaxed, hydrated and radiant.

Designed to intuitively fine-tune your skin’s pH and defensive properties, a unique combination of botanical performance ingredients provides the nutrients to inhibit over activity and soothe distressed skin; effectively refining skin tone to maintain a healthy and luminous complexion.

The Glimpse Mineral Treatment Brush Set includes 4 premium taklon-fiber brushes secured to solid bamboo handles. These elegant Glimpse-branded brushes simulate the softness and saturation of the finest natural-hair fibers without harming animals or exposing you to their allergens. Each set comes in a free Glimpse Brush Set bag and features 4 distinct brush styles.

Green Chemistry & Approach:

Glimpse is free of harsh chemicals and formulated with state-of-the-art green chemistry technology that helps protect both the consumer and environment.

• Glimpse uses only the finest botanical ingredients that are nutrient-rich and free of harsh chemicals.
• Cold processing preserves the natural potency of the phytonutrients found in the mangosteen and other active ingredients while minimizing the carbon footprint of the Glimpse manufacturing process.
• Glimpse goes on smoothly and absorbs quickly without an oily residue or harmful petrochemicals.
• Glimpse uses only clean ingredients that do not mutate or harm any organisms downstream, protecting the environment.
• No animal testing has been done in the development of Glimpse.
• Glimpse is dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.
