Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The silent killer

Inflammation : The silent killer : why your body turns against itself. 

Dr Sam Walters : 20 seconds
Heart Disease is the number one killer today. Can it happen to you? How will you know? What are the warning signs? Learn more about the "silent killer" and what you can do to combat this all too common disease.

Allow it to work for YOU and YOUR family

According to Dr Oz, (Turkish American cardiothoracic surgeonauthor, host and commentator for The Dr. Oz Show, a daily television program focusing on medical issues / personal health) mangosteen is one of the 5 super foods of the world, with the healing power of some 43+ xanthones found in the pericarp of the fruit. Xanthones are phytochemicals known for their anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting anti-oxidant properties, which are the root cause of most health related problems.

Xanthones are not naturally found in everyday foods, but mostly in the bark of trees or rind of fruit, which for the most part are inedible and only yield at best 1 or 2 xanthones. 

Xango purees the whole mangosteen fruit, including the pericarp, to bring you a flavorsome, powerfully efficacious juice that is good for the whole family (including pets). From those suffering with Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD to those with Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Depression, and heart conditions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Please be warned...

There is a SCAM going around that a lot of people have fallen for.
It's a program where you work your butt off for someone else for 40 hours a week, for 40 years, get a $40 Gold Watch, and then try and Live on 40% of what you couldn't live on while you were working 40 hours a week.

Click here to watch the video :
 Wealth Building 101 by Bob Schmidt

A Second Income is No Longer an Option

"Those that think they can and those that think they can't,
are both right." -Anonymous

Years ago, one income per family was enough to live a fairly
comfortable life style.  However, the times have changed.

Today, one or even two incomes per household are simply 

not enough to get by, let alone live life on your terms.  
However, I am prepared to offer you a solution to your financial challenges.

How long have you been thinking about starting a Home Based /

Second or third income Business? 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The 45 year plan?

Ever heard of the 45 Year PLAN?

YOU/ME                   WORK

From about AGE
                        20 we start at our job or career.  
For 45 years we labour till age
                        65 when we hope to retire…

only to find that OUT OF EVERY
               100 people at the age of 65; only
                           of us will be RICH                     5%
                    4 of us will have FIT finances
                    5 will still beWORKING
                  28 will sadly be DEAD and              95%
                        62 will be FLAT BROKE      
and unable to take care of ourselves.

Now, ain’t that a KICK IN THE HEAD? Maybe it’s time to get out of aFLAWED SYSTEM!

ADHD meds.....know anyone on Ritalin or Concerta?

An interesting article from Natural News
Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points in their brains looking for signs of thickness in the brain tissue.

They discovered that the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD were a little behind schedule in growing. Yes, you heard that right. They said they are about three years behind the brains of other children. Everything else was normal. They said if they wait three years those children will catch up and turn out just fine.

Now who is "they?" Dr. Phillip Shaw from the National Institute of Health, which is probably the National Institute of Mental Health -- they are the ones who did this research and this research has been making the rounds in mainstream media. You hear stories about it all over the radio. I heard one on national public radio today.

It just blew my mind. I will tell you why in a minute. Headlines in newspapers and magazines, TV news, cable news networks all across the country -- they have experts on there now claiming that ADHD is a physical disease. There is something wrong with the brains of these children. Apparently they forgot to look at the research that came out just two days before. Do you know what that research shows?

The Drugs Don't Work