Xango Business

The business plan is simple...

Global consciousness about wellness has reached the tipping point. The wellness industry is poised to generate over $1 trillion in revenue in the next 10 years. XANGO will continue to be a catalyst and will change millions of lives—and the world—along the way.
A breakthrough body of products like our XANGO Category Creators—XANGO® Juice, Glimpse® Topical Skin Nutrition and Eleviv™—helps create an opportunity that answers the world’s call for a more complete life. And, as the number of wellness-conscious citizens continues to rise, so does the market share for wholesome, palatable products: XANGO products.
A handful of key components make XANGO the leading wellness opportunity in the industry. Here’s what we offer:
  • Leadership— For a convincing argument of our leading opportunity, look no further than our visionary leaders. With an executive dream team, a ubiquitous brand and world-class events, XANGO is built for breaking records.
  • Category Creators—XANGO has never cared for substandard, shortsighted sameness. The old and tired attempts at cheating wellness are ready to be retired. Naturally, a true category-creating product offers something wholly separate and unique from the status quo. It offers a stepladder to conscientious consumers who have their eye on improvement who spend their life in pursuit of value.
  • Care—From day one, XANGO has been committed to charitable giving. Under the name of Goodness, XANGO Distributors have perpetuated an ever-increasing wave of comfort and care across nearly every corner of the globe. With each passing year, our ability to meet the basic needs of the underprivileged, the underfed, the undervalued and the underestimated has risen exponentially.
  • Future—No matter what you’re looking for, chances are you’ll find it here—freedom, innovation, creativity, success, independence, health, energy. You name it, we’ve got it.
XANGO is a unique company that attracts great people committed to making a difference. Together, we change lives through our products and culture. We save lives through our charitable endeavors. And we do it all within the framework of a tremendous financial opportunity that enables our ambition. At XANGO, it’s safe to dream again. Will you join us in becoming a New Entrepeneur?