Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mangosteen Testimonials submitted for Cancer

CANCER – Prostate
“I was diagnosed with stage 4 Prostate Cancer and given 3-6 months to live!”
In February of 2005, I was given 3-6 month to live after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. My PSA score was 1500. I started chemotherapy and became very ill, unbearable hiccups; bad breath; pain; fatigue; weakness and I could not walk without a walker. In March of 2005, I learned about the Mangosteen Juice with Xanthones. I wanted to believe everything that I heard and read but was afraid to take it with the chemotherapy. I got too sick after three chemotherapy treatments, I was getting weaker and weaker. I fell and I could not get up, I went to the hospital and they told me I would have to start injecting myself daily and that the medication would cost $ 4,000 for a ten day supply. One hospital bill alone was over $46,000. I had no medical insurance. I was left for dead. I turned to God. I prayed for a healing and then I decided to give the Mangosteen Juice a serious try in March 2005. My prayers were answered immediately. The first day I had more energy that I could remember and my horrific bad breath went away.
In two days the pain was subsided and I did not need the walker anymore. I started to feel stronger and stronger. I drank a 25 ounce bottle [Mangosteen Juice] a day. On May 1, 2005 my PSA score had gone from 1500 to 3. I am now cancer FREE. I feel terrific. 

I am so thankful to be a alive and well. I will drink [Mangosteen Juice] for the rest of my life and encourage everyone who wants to restore his health to do the same. I thank God for [Mangosteen Juice] and so will you. 

The Best of Health to You,

Love F.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I just found out...!

that life is way too short to spend all of your time working for other people, just to make them rich while you continue struggling to "just get by".

It's time you were let in on a little secret that the rich use to get that way, that most others don't even know about?

Let me share with you their secret right here, right now.

It's called "leverage" and this one concept is so powerful when you understand it, that it could allow you to go from where you are, to where you want to be.

You see, if you work a job for 40 hours per week, you will get paid for 40 hrs.
Work; get paid. Work; get paid. Work; get paid.

But what happens if you don't work?

That's right!

You don't get paid.

Most people love the idea of working 40 hrs per week, but being paid for 10 times more.... of course there are people who don't...that's ok too – those are the people who would rather complain or sit in front of the tv or facebook, I'm sure you know the type?

You see, this is how successful people got that way and you can too, when you learn the right methods to build your own Home Based Business.

Your boss does it. Wealthy people do it. I'm doing it.

Why shouldn't you?

Wealth Building 101
Truth is, you CAN!

But first, let's find out if what we are doing is what you are looking for. Let's get this OUT OF THE WAY first.....there is NO selling of products, NO stock control or paperwork and NO costly capital investment.

It's FREE to get the information, so surf on over to my website and find out if our Home Based Business Opportunity is something you'd be interested in.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What are the 3 types of income and which is best?

For most people, achieving success in Home Based Business means a lot more than just earning more money. It also means more time freedom, more relationship freedom and a better lifestyle. It means paying off the bills, getting out of debt and having more peace of mind. It also means having money flow into your bank account every single month, whether you work or not.

It does not mean having to wake up to an alarm clock every morning, jumping out of bed and trading your time for dollars, only to rush off and make someone else rich.

So, in order to achieve great success working from home, you must first understand the difference between Linear Income, Leveraged Income & Passive Residual Income. Let's take a look:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mangosteen, Cancer and Autism

It has become legitimate to kill people with chemotherapy by giving a patient as much as they can tolerate, ad infinitum, devastating the haemopoietic system (formation of blood cells) and debilitating the immune system until they cease to respond. I have seen too many people die due to the side effects of their treatment (not only cancer)  rather than the disease. This is considered acceptable? It distresses me immensely!

Dr. Amod Tootla talks about Mangosteen, Cancer & Autism on Willoughby Webinar Monday Night July 18 at 9:00pm CT/10ET.

Amod Tootla, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S. will share his research with Mangosteen & Cancer & Autism.  This information will be invaluable!  Find out why everybody should be using these products. 

Dr Tootla is a World Renowned Board certified Cancer Surgeon & Leading Scientist. Named one of the top Surgeons in the United States by the consumer research council of America in Washington DC. 

Dr Tootla's licensed to practice in 20 different countries and has the distinction of having introduced robotic surgery in the United States. He is the pioneer of laparoscopic colon surgery and has published numerous papers in the most prestigious medical journals of the world.

This Webinar is held on the following dates: